CUSTOM scents for home & body


CUSTOM scents for home & body

from A$20.00

Custom Blend created for you by Mischa

Created just for you, a custom blend based on your wants, needs & practice. Popular requests are blends for Fragrance, Study, Sleep or Self Care as well as ILLUMINATION (for hair) & COMPLEXION (for face) which are coming soon.

8 chakra based scents based on Mischa’s Rainbow Bodies Workshop

Blended by hand & infused with traditional Reiki energy (Usui lineage), these blends are 100% essential oils floating in wildcrafted Rose Water or Coconut MCT oil for safe absorption on skin, fabric or air diffusion.

* FOUNDATION - Establish the roots, start where you are, create stability

cypress, orange, pepper

* CREATION - Create the flow, swim in the waters, feel the sweetness

tangerine, jasmine, sage

* TRANSFORMATION - Light the fire, heat it up, experience your power

lemon, juniper, fennel

* CONNECTION - Awaken your heart, nurture love & compassion, relationship with self & others

rose, geranium, bergamot

* COMMUNICATION - Express your truth, find your voice, communicate clearly, listen

orange, mint, basil

* INTUITION - Open your spiritual eye, tune into your inner wisdom, cultivate intuition

lemongrass, bergamot, rosemary

* DIVINATION - Open to the divine mystery, tap into supreme consciousness, universal openness

frankincense, lime, lavender

* UNION - Rest into yourself, create your reality, awaken dormant shakti

tangerine, rosemary, geranium, juniper, coriander, jasmine, lavender, peppermint

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How to use your Infused oil

Your blend is safe for topical use. Honour the potency of the botanicals & if you’re not sure please dilute with a carrier oil or feel free to contact me directly. The following are suggestions for use.

1 . Simply Inhale. Rub 1 or 2 drops of your oil in your hands & breathe deeply. Use as part of your daily ritual or meditation/yoga practice

2 . Apply 1 or 2 drops to your skin. Your neck, forehead, temples, chest, belly, soles of feet, wrists or ankles are ideal. If you’re working with Rainbow Bodies style chakra activation, apply to the physical body in reverence to each location. Dilute with a carrier oil for a less intense experience or for sensitive skin.

3 . Run a bath & add a few drops. The steam will aromatize the oil, scenting the room & as your skin makes contact with the water, the oils floating on the surface will be absorbed directly.

4 . Add 1 or 2 drops to your moisturizer or massage oil. The Ayurvedic technique of abhyanga is a beautiful ritual enhanced by scent.

5 . Dry evaporation of the oil will happen over time, scenting the room/clothing if applied to natural surfaces like cotton, wood & fabric. Add a few drops to dry diffuse, scenting your home or wear your signature scent on your clothing or in your hair.

* A note on sensitive areas. Some facial areas such as the skin around the eyes, ears & any broken or damaged areas should be avoided. Coconut oil is the carrier of our choice & if in doubt add only a few drops of your blend. Essential oils are potent & a little will go a long way.